A democracy, on the other hand, is egalitarian, basically represents the will of the people, and can replace a weak or sinister ruler with a more benevolent one. However, it is also hereditary, meaning that there could be a number of terrible rulers who are ruthless and totalitarian.

A monarchy is strong, can make decisions quickly, and there is a little chance that its ruler will be overthrown. The main theme of the story is the advantages and disadvantages of a monarchy versus a democracy. The show begins when another war breaks out between the Galactic Empire, a monarchical regime similar to 18th century Prussia, and the Free Planets Alliance, which is a democracy similar to Great Britain or the United States. Reinhard von Lohengramm is introduced as an arrogant, but prudent military general who commands a fleet of the Galactic Empire. Obviously, though, the most important characters have more screentime. Even the characters who are not significant at all to the overall plot of the show, such as an average soldier. What is unique about this show is that, even though it does have a huge list of characters, they all are given a relatively equal amount of screen time. The massive (and when I say massive, I mean massive]) cast of characters all represent different political ideologies. The reason why everybody loves this show, including me, is the constant political dialogue that occurs between the various characters. Even for back then, compared to other shows such as Macross, the animation is not the selling point of this show. The animation for the first season is pretty terrible for today’s standards. Legend of the Galactic Heroes, or LoGH, is a 110 episode epic OVA that took around 10 years to complete. Such is the life of a procrastinating university student I guess. But I’m back with a LoGH review that I had intended to write a couple months ago and never really got done.