The accuracy-changing effects present in Generation I no longer apply, and missing does not change the accuracy of Rage. When Rage is used consecutively, it will consume PP each turn, and the damage it deals is multiplied by a separate Rage counter this Rage counter starts at 1 and increases by one each time the user of Rage is damaged by an attack, but is reset when the user ceases to use Rage (but not when Rage misses). Rage is no longer a continuous move and will not automatically last until the end of the battle. Disable causes Rage to build only when Disable hits. In Pokémon Stadium (English), Rage's accuracy does not drop when it misses. Rage will not attempt to increase the user's Attack if it has reached a stage of +6, and will not successfully increase the user's Attack if it has reached a value of 999.

The duration of Rage will be paused but not disrupted by anything, including sleep, freeze, partial trapping, flinching, or if the user hurts itself due to confusion. However, if Rage misses due to an accuracy or evasion check when its decision-removing effect is active, the accuracy of Rage will subsequently become 0.4%. If Rage misses due to the 99.6% accuracy bug of 100%-accuracy moves when there are no other accuracy or evasion modifiers in effect, or in case said modifiers cancel each other, its accuracy will be unaffected. If Rage misses during the turn it is selected, its secondary effects will not activate. Rage will use 1 PP when selected, but not use any PP on any subsequent turns. Being hit by a multi-hit move will raise the user's Attack once for each hit. Every time the user is damaged by an attack or is targeted by Disable, its rage will build, causing its Attack stat to increase by one stage. Rage deals damage and it will not be possible for the player to do anything other than let the user continue to use Rage, and it will not stop using Rage until it faints or the battle ends.