Not once did Marvin or Miranda fall asleep after orgasming, or offer to clean each other up, or giggle on their beds while they looked at funny tweets together. Wicked Whims is just way, way too much sex, and the volume of sex I witnessed in a couple hours of gameplay only revealed how alien its depiction of sexuality felt. It’s understandable, as the game is rated E, and this is where mods come in. As a simulator of human life, its depictions of sex and sexuality are lacking. I’m all for adding sex, even pornographic and unrealistic sex, to The Sims. I thought they would go inside, because usually sims have sex on beds. To get a feel for the mod, the first thing I did with it was make my sims have sex by clicking on the ground, selecting “Wicked” from the prompt wheel, and then picking “sex” from the next menu. I installed Wicked Whims and a few animation mods, made a couple and started a new game. Even if I don’t generally make homewreckers or even have my partners cheat on each other, I wanted to see how it all worked. It adds new sex-related traits and aspiration rewards, including the option to be polyamorous or asexual. When you scroll through the description of the mod’s features, you can see that it is absurdly robust. The way I play The Sims is pretty chaste, but I was still curious about what that could be like. In particular, Turbodriver’s description of sex autonomony in an interview with Kotaku deputy editor Patricia Hernandez piqued my interest, in which he described the parameters for sims’ desire - how much they like each other, the location, their moods. According to its creator, modder Turbodriver, it offers “animated sex, nudity interactions, exhibitionism interactions, relationship enhancements and gameplay improvements.” Wicked Whims is a mod for The Sims that greatly expands the game’s sex mechanics.