How to run sven coop server
How to run sven coop server

There is … Allow players to spectate the game. Do not change this, and do not use the coop setting. Hello, I am not familiar with hosting servers and I just want to play sven co-op with a friend. After that you should be able to join any other server, but you'll have to redo these steps whenever you quit Sven Co-op … In console, type in "ip ", obviously with replaced with your public IP.

how to run sven coop server

In the next screen MAKE SURE LAN game is NOT checked. You can simply google what router with "portfoward" after it and you should be able to find out where the specific points of interest lie within your router's page.

how to run sven coop server

The "Create Game" option will start what's known as a listen server, whereby it's running locally on your PC and you're playing on it.

how to run sven coop server

Sven Co-op has implemented connecting through SteamID in its v5.19 update. This is the IP address people will be connecting to.

How to run sven coop server